Testing Timeline

Welcome to the Oceanside USD Bond Program

On June 3, 2008, Oceanside voters approved a bond measure, Proposition H, authorizing the Oceanside Unified School District to issue up to $195 million in general obligation bonds for school facility improvements, enabling the district to complete the repairs and modernization effort established under the Proposition G bond construction program to provide high quality facilities for all Oceanside students.

To oversee the expenditure of Proposition H bond funds, a Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) has been established to assure that bond funds are spent for the purpose they were intended

The schools will receive repairs, modernization, upgrades, expansion and new construction as warranted by enrollment and facility usage needs to provide equitable facilities for all students.

The 2008 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), developed by district staff, the district's architect-of-record, and the bond management team served as the foundation document to identify the scope of work and associated cost estimates for each of the projects. The plan is considered a 'living document" in order to maintain its relevance in light of changes to educational program needs and state and local building code requirements.  The district has recognized the need for a major overhaul of the plan and is in the midst of developing a Long Range Facilities Master Plan.

With that in mind, we hope that you will find this website to be a valuable resource for information on the projects that stand to impact you the most. This website will serve as means to:

  • Provide updates on project progress
  • Notify community of important engagement and outreach events
  • Post construction related information (including RFP/Q requests, bidding and contract awards)
  • Link you to other important websites and/or information relating to the Proposition H Bond Program

We look forward to providing you with meaningful & transparent project updates and encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates via email.

Timeline Version 1

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Timeline Version 2

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